Monday, August 01, 2005

A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Squealing

“Oh, HEY!”
(hug, hug, hug, pat, pat, pat)
“What a cute DRESS!”
“Where did you GET it?”
“What have you been UP to lately?”
“That’s GREAT! It’s so GOOD to see you!”
(hug, hug, hug, pat, pat, pat)
“We’ll talk SOON!”

Repeat these lines 20-30 times, and you’ll get an idea of my Saturday night. The inflection is necessary, because I’ve discovered that girl-to-girl small talk is much like a chirpy rap. It has a definite beat: ba BOOM ba BOOM ba BOOM. Replace male-centric lyrics such as, “Gonna smack those BITCHES” with female-centric phrases such as, “I’ve been looking everywhere for those SHOES.” See? Snoop Dogg may have been Eva Gabor in a previous life.

Where was I, dahling? Fo’ shizzle -- I spent Saturday evening at a catered, white-tent soiree, held in honor of a(nother) former high-school classmate who recently got married. Apparently, married people get lifelong companionship AND cocktail shrimp. The injustice!

This classmate is the daughter of our mayor, so you can bet her bridesmaids didn’t wear Dress Barn. The party must have cost $7,000 $10,000. It had sponsors. 40 of them. Valet parking attendants, too, juggling keys to BMWs and Jaguars and colossal SUVs. Andie Acura cowered.

I’ve never been very good at “getting my mingle on” -- I prefer private tables over mile-long buffets -- but once I mastered the small-talk rhythm (remixed for conversations with the opposite gender), I was okay.

Recognizing old classmates....not as easy.

I haven’t attended any reunions, since I’m not yet a Victoria’s Secret supermodel, nor do I drive a Bentley or wear Gucci boots. Unfortunately, this means that I had several conversations resembling the following:

“Hey, JESSE!”
“Hey....YOU! How ARE you?”
“Great! What have you been UP to?”
“Oh, I’m about to go back to school. But tell me what YOU’RE doing.”
Unrecognizable classmate: “Blah blah blah BLAH”
Jesse’s mind: “He says he’s working as a CPA in Nashville. Clint Hall did pretty well in math...maybe this is Clint. Or is it that guy who got seniors to stuff money in his shorts at the homecoming game?”

Thank goodness, noise from the dance floor pre-empted most verbal exchanges. If my mental yearbook-page-flipping failed, I could simply say: “I’m SORRY! I can’t HEAR you very well!” Sympathetic smile. Hug, hug, hug, pat, pat, to “Brick House!”

Okay, I admit -- I did dance to “Brick House.” All the other white girls in Ann Taylor sundresses were doing it...

Who was my dance partner? Well, some things haven’t changed since high school: I still can’t get a slow song with the star lacrosse player. But who needs strobe lights and “Unchained Melody” when you have Alex the Remodeler and “Everybody Was Kung Foo Fighting”?

That’s right -- Alex was there, and his live-in girlfriend allowed me to steal him for a couple of songs. I owe her a compliment; genuine, no inflection. True dat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to a friend's party this weekend without David, my buffer, and I realized how much I depend on him when it comes to those small-talk conversations. There are few things I am worse at than walking up to a random person and saying, "Hello, I'm Hillary, how do you know [insert name of host]?" It took me a really long time to figure out what to say when people asked me, "What do you do?" Because if I tell them that I work for the UT Libraries, well, that's not really who I AM, it doesn't exactly DEFINE me. For awhile I said that I was an actress, but that didn't seem accurate either because I wasn't actually making money acting. Now I can say that I'm about to start grad school for Foreign Language Education in French, and that seems to be a good conversation starter. But God. I hate small talk.

4:47 PM  
Blogger Jesse Anna Bornemann said...

We should just tell them we invented Post-Its.

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I hate small talk too and I always end up sticking my foot in my mouth. I sometimes imagine that my current job is helping me to overcome small talk but basically I just repeat a few conversations several times a day. Sadly, I am my work. I am repeatedly told this is not a good thing but I am unable to emotionally detach. I have come to grips with that fact I just hope others will.

Like you Jesse I have attended several weddings (opposite sex and same sex) and yet there is the same silly tradition of what are you doing now, who are you dating, what's the future. Sometimes I just want to make stories up to see how far I can string people along.

10:09 PM  
Blogger Jesse Anna Bornemann said...

If I were a better liar, I could really have some fun at these random get-togethers. Post-Its would be only the beginning...

(I meant "Kung Fu Fighting." FU. Not FOO. Not like Foo Fighters. Sigh.)

11:39 PM  
Blogger B said...

Oh, come on. You would totally know Clint if you saw him. Hell, even *I* would know Clint if I saw him. I'm sure that attending eight freaking million honor council meetings with the guy has placed him safely in your long-term memory.

Now, making small talk at Chautauqua with a Highlights editor who worked with one of your former English students -- that's a challenge. :-)


P.S. Hi Hillary!!!

1:45 PM  
Blogger Jesse Anna Bornemann said...

Awww...Highlights people at Chautauqua! I wish I'd been there.

Okay, okay -- I'd probably recognize Clint. I drew a blank on Ryan Eckles, who sat at my advisor table. How many of your advisees would you recognize?

Just saw the other "Mr. Smith." Dad is interviewing Mr. L.R. Smith in M'boro today. I felt embarrassed not to be wearing a blazer and knee-length skirt. Mea maxima culpa!

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You've got a ways to go. I was emptying wine glasses when a girl walked up and said, "You go to UNC, don't ya?"
"Oh, Yeah."
"Know Susie Vanastersnatch?"
"Susie! Hell yeah. Got tossed for shacking up with a Marine and being off campus for ten days."
"Well," stepping aside to put another girl in full view, "this is Rachel, her sister."

Bummer, dude.

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so my name is ryan eckles, and aparently you know one too. groovy. I just wanted to say that I read this and you are AMAZING! seriously, my new favorite person ever. Have a good one!

3:04 AM  

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