What Would Pavlov Do?
Because I have completed some of the reading for tomorrow’s Behavioral Assessment and Intervention class, I know that you’re punishing me. Sitemeter indicates the blog is averaging 9 hits per day -- 3 from my parents; 3 from my unconditionally supportive (or procrastinatory?) friends in Boston; and 3 from someone in New Orleans (who could that be?). I desire readership (the reinforcer), and when I post something halfway amusing, or juicy and self-revelatory, I am positively reinforced by increased Sitemeter hits. You’re positively reinforced too -- I hope you are, anyway -- when the post is decent. So, you keep checking the blog (the behavior under analysis).
As I haven’t finished all of the reading for my class, I cannot post anything thoughtful or rhyming. If you’re reading this post you’re receiving punishment, because this is merely my shameless attempt to study for a Behavioral Assessment and Intervention exam. Punishment begets punishment, alas.
But you should know that I’m going to Boston for a long weekend on Friday, and I promise an insightful (or heavily rhyming) post after I return. My Boston post is contingent on you continuing to read my blog (behavior). Please don’t let me down.
Unfortunately, the Boston post will probably come at least a week after I return to New Orleans, and reinforcement contingency dictates that your blog-reading (behavior) cannot be increased unless the reinforcer (my Boston post) is presented immediately following the desired behavior (blog-reading). Bugger.
Maybe we should all stick with Freud instead.