Sunday, March 11, 2007

Ode To DST

Have you seen my little lost hour?
Somehow she’s wandered away.
I dined with her yesterday evening,
But woke up without her today.
It could be she’s knitting a sweater,
Or writing a short piece of verse.
She’ll slip from your grasp, if you let her -
Her discipline’s rather the worse.
She’s often spied watching “Top Model,”
Or playing around on the ‘net
It’s her inclination to dawdle,
But she’s really a valuable pet.
In a pinch, she can bake a lasagna,
Scrub the bathroom with nary a rest.
Unsuspecting, she’ll sneak up upon ya
My inbox is her favorite nest.
If you find her, please tell her I’m sorry -
My word choice was careless, I see.
When I mentioned, “I’ve been known to kill time,”
I never considered she’d flee.


Blogger Eric said...

Utter brilliance.

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ditto ! MOM

3:59 PM  
Blogger Jesse Anna Bornemann said...

I think brilliant rhymers don't have to use the word "nary."

But I do like "lasagna" and "upon ya." Eh? Eh?

11:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are quite talented. I'm impressed.

10:10 PM  

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